Charlotte plumbing & repair save water

Let’s face it; Summer has always been a Water Hog! Whether it’s washing your car, filling up the pool, watering your yard or multiple showers after a trip to the beach, your monthly water bills tend to swell up during the summertime, but they don’t have to.
4It’s everyone’s responsibility to do whatever they can to help preserve our natural resources and consistent water conservation reduces your energy needs and puts money back in your pocket.
You might be surprised, but making a few simple changes or modifications around your house can have an impact on our water supply, your monthly energy consumption and reduce your monthly utility bill all at the same time.
Being a part of the solution feels so much better than being part of the problem! Join the Southlands ever growing proactive water conservation effort to help preserve our natural resources and save a few bucks while you’re doing it.

Replace Old Faucets & Showerheads with New Energy Saving Models
2Showers are responsible for 18% of all indoor water use in the United States. A recent study estimates that American’s use over 300 billion gallons of water each day. That’s 250 gallons per person, per day for every person in America. Help conserve our limited natural resources by using any of the following methods to reduce your water usage while lowering your monthly utility bill.
Simply changing your current shower head to a high performance energy efficient model shower head can reduce your shower’s water use by up to 60%. Older model showerheads use between 4-5 gallons per minute while newer energy efficient use only 1-1.5 gallons per minute without a significant reduction in water pressure.
Another simple way to reduce your water usage is by installing newer more efficient faucets in your high use areas. These faucets use about 1.5 gallons of water per minute compared with a standard faucet which uses 3-5 gallons per minute. In fact, the EPA states that simply adding pressure reducing valves or aerators to your existing faucet, set to reduce pressure by half, can reduce water consumption by 1/3 and aerators that are added directly to faucets can reduce water use by up to 60% without having any effect on your water pressure.
Replace Old Runny Toilets with New Energy Efficient Models
3The average toilet uses 4.5 gallons of water per flush, but you can reduce your water usage per toilet by as much as 34% by replacing your old conventional toilet with a new low-flow toilet that uses 1.2 gallons per flush. New energy efficient and water conserving toilets aren’t cheap, but there are some extremely cheap alternatives that offer water conservation with cost savings as well. One of the most practical methods is to simply place a heavily weighted object, such as a brick or plastic container filled with rocks, in your toilet tank. The brick, or rocks, displaces the water in your toilet’s tank and it takes less water to fill it.
Additional Easy & Simple Ways to Save Water & Money

4Select the proper size pans for cooking. Large pans require more cooking water than may be necessary.
Make sure there are aerators on all of your faucets. Install an instant water heater on your kitchen sink so you don’t have to let the water run while it heats up. This will also reduce heating costs for your household.
Keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator instead of running the tap for cold drinks, so that every drop goes down you not the drain.
Don’t use running water to thaw food. Thaw your food in the refrigerator and especially if it’s beef, fish or poultry.
When you clean your fish tank, use the water you’ve drained on your plants. The water is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, providing you with a free and effective fertilizer.
Time your shower to keep it under 5 minutes and you’ll save up to 1,000 gallons a month
Run dishwashers and washing machines on the light load setting and only run them with full loads. Note that this will also save money on your electric bill.
Turn off the water while brushing your teeth

Outdoor Water Conservation, Energy Reducing and $$ Saving Ideas

5Sweep leaves and other debris off driveways and walkways instead of hosing
Install outside rain catcher systems to irrigate your landscaping
Mulch, Mulch and More Mulch! Use bark chips to help retain water and moisture on flower beds to hold moisture more effectively. Mulch should be 2-4 inches deep which helps with soil temperature, weed control and improves water penetration
Use drip line watering in your flower beds and get less waste due to evaporation
Avoid watering during the hottest periods of the day to prevent loss through evaporation
Use slow release or low-concentration fertilizer and you shouldn’t over fertilize plumbers
Call Charlotte plumbing & repair 704-394-5252 for all your plumbing needs. Http://

Inline video inspection and leak location


Charlotte plumbing & repair has all the equipment to find and locate slab leaks from water (domestic) to sewer (sanitary) and gas sniffers to locate leaks. We have sewer cameras and line tracers to insure the leak is found and accurate. We have line tracers and listening devices to locate leaks under the slab of your home. With our state of the art equipment pin pointing the leak or leaks is very accurate. We take pride in the fact that in most cases we only have to make one hole to make our repairs. With the tools and experience we have in slab leaks we can test, locate and repair all slab leaks. We will help you deal with your insurance company and make sure the job is done right from start to finish. If you are not sure if you have a slab leak give us a call and we will test your plumbing under your slab to find out if there is a plumbing problem.
Some for the signs of a slab leak are: House sifting or moving Cracks in the foundation Water around the footing of the house Hear water running when you are not using water Moisture around your house or on the edges of your house High water bill Doors not lining up or closing right Hot spots on the floor This is just a few things caused by slab leaks. We also recommend before buying or selling a house that it be tested for slab leaks or other plumbing issues to insure things are done right call Charlotte Plumbing Repair and schedule an appointment to have your house or a house you are looking at to purchase tested by the professionals at Plumbing Solutions. Concord, Mooresville, lake Norman, Huntersville, charlotte, south end and Belmont NC.

Save Money With Charlotte Faucet Repairs

Save Money With Charlotte Faucet Repairs
http://www.charlotteplumbingsvc.comWhen your faucet is leaking, you need to have it immediately fixed. The noise of the dripping water is more than an annoyance – it is the sound of money that is leaking down your faucet.
If you have a dripping, broken or leaking faucet, you should quickly get it repaired to prevent yourself from wasting not just water but also money. There are many plumbing professionals and companies that are offering Charlotte plumbing repair anyway, thus, it could not be difficult for you to stop that annoying drip.

Knowledge is Power When it Comes to Water Heaters

Knowledge is Power When it Comes to Water Heaters  Being knowledgeable about water heater repairs water heater repair can come in handy the next time you suddenly find that there’s no hot water or if the temperature is not at your desired range anymore. Having your water system professionally serviced is ideal, especially if you’re no handyman, but if time’s of the element, knowing the basic things about your water heater and how it runs may be of good use. The basic components of a water heater, apart from the thermostat, are the vent and pressure relief valve.
If you find water leaking but the temperature is fine then it’s the valve that may need replacement. Other possible causes of problems may include a rusty tank. In some instances like if there’s noise, the tank may simply have to be drained, flushed and refilled. A common unfavorable problem would be dirty hot water coming out of your heating device. Smelly hot water is another problem that can be traced to impurities like bacteria forming, in which case the heater may need to be flushed with chlorine water, or the aluminum anode rod may have to be replaced.
The first thing individuals would need to assess when faced with the possibility of a need for Rowlett water heater repairs is to see if the device can be fixed, or if it must be replaced. Proper care and regular servicing is actually a must to prevent the heater from conking out or malfunctioning. Take note of what a plumber will normally do at least once in about three or six months – drain the tank of water to prevent sediment from building up underneath the tank. Before draining, though, don’t forget to turn off the heater and close the water intake.
Water heater repairs would also depend on the type of device you have. There’s the storage tank and there’s the tankless type. Problems with the tankless type may be a rare occurrence. Nonetheless, a periodic maintenance is advisable. It would also be helpful to read about troubleshooting tips. If you’re simply wary about replacing the heating element, much less siphoning the water out of the heater, then there’s really no option but to get professional help.
When dealing with the repairman, it’s still very important to be in the know. Find out how much it’ll actually cost to replace your water heater, and how long you’ll be able to use the device when fixed. Rowlett water heater repairs will also depend on the specific type and model and the overall quality and the installation of the device. Talk to your Charlotte plumbing contractor to discuss your specific needs.charlotte plumbing contractor

Is Your Plumbing Gurgling? Here’s How to Handle It

s Your Plumbing Gurgling? Here’s How to Handle It  While it’s impossible to ignore major drainage issues with your plumbing, noises coming out of the pipes and drains are often difficult to diagnose. For example, gurgling noises may indicate something as simple as a clogged drain or as complex as a poorly vented plumbing installation. If you have noticed a gurgle or other odd noise coming from your drains or toilet, here are some possible causes and ways to approach each issue.
Problem 1: Bathroom Sink Gurgles When Tub or Toilet Drains
The bathroom is a space where multiple drains are in close proximity. As a result, it’s easy to identify when there is a drainage issue. Marietta homeowners often report instances where the toilet or sink drain starts to gurgle when the shower is draining. This problem typically indicates a system-wide clog.
Solution 1: Plumber’s Snake
Because there are so many chemicals in industrial drain cleaners, pouring large quantities of these liquids down the drain may cause more problems than it fixes. A professional plumbing snake is the best tool for the job. Though you may be able to find one for rent in a home improvement shop, charlotte nc plumber can handle the job with greater convenience.
Problem 2: Gurgling Sound Persists Despite Clean Indoor Drains
If you have clear interior drains but keep experiencing clogged plumbing in the bathroom, kitchen or area around the washing machine, the issue could be in the drains on your home’s roof. There may be debris, vermin or any number of objects blocking the flow of water or air.
Solution 2: Diagnose Outdoor Drains
Homeowners who are comfortable climbing onto the roof can examine the drains for blockages. You may also find that ice and snow have caused the blockage. In this case, you are going to need a more complex fix. Typically, you’re better off contacting a plumber to avoid further damage.
Problem 3: Noises Occur Because of Drain Vents
There may be situations in which you find your home has widespread drain-venting issues. In this case, the lack of proper venting is causing drains to struggle for air — a process that makes the plumbing gurgle or otherwise operate erratically.
Solution 3: Add or Extend Ventilation
Plumbers can actually extend the venting in your home’s shower, tub, toilet and washer lines. In other cases, you may want a new venting system that reduces problems in drains without creating any aesthetic disturbance. This job requires more extensive work from a pro plumbing team.
Problem 4: Septic Tanks and Drain Lines Cause Backup
Perhaps the most alarming plumbing problem arises when a home’s drain lines or septic tank become blocked. The odor will tell the story that cannot be seen, forcing homeowners to contact a plumbing team that can tackle large-scale work.
Solution 4: Full Cleaning
Plumbers should be called to empty a septic tank or clear a clogged drain line. Though this problem will seem frightening at first, plumbers experienced in sewer-line cleaning and septic tank maintenance can fix it without delay.
There’s nothing appealing about listening to drains make gurgling noises, but unseen problems could be far worse. Talk to Charlotte plumbing & repair about addressing your pressing plumbing problems today

Valves: The Control Freaks of Your Plumbing



The idea is simple: Keep the water from coming out when you don’t want it to, and when you do want it to come out, be able to control the flow. There. That’s what your valves do for you. While valves may not seem like something you want to think about in the course of your daily life, there are times when, for some homeowners, they take a front and center place in one’s thinking. Let’s look at some examples:

You are building a new home or remodleing your bathroom and you come to the fun part of getting to pick out what style of faucets you want to decorate with. Those faucets? They’re just fancy looking valves.
When you hit the flush handle of your toilet and nothing happens that’s usually going to be a valve issue. Either the fillvalve (old timers know it by the name “ballcock”) is not working right or that very simple valve known as a “flapper” is misbehaving.
That dripping hose spigot on the outside of your house is a valve (old timer name: sillcock). By the way, charlotte plumbing repair can fix or replace that. . . just sayin’.
You smell a gas leak in your home. Someone will need to turn a valve off to stop the flow of gas. In fact, it could be a gas valve that is causing the problem. Did you know that licensed plumbers like Charlotte Plumbing & repair are the ones who find and repair the vast majority of gas leaks in homes? It’s true.

There are lots of other valves in your home, of course, such as those under your sinks, on your water heater, at your water softener, sump pump, etc. Valves are great friends when they are not leaking and are easy to turn on and off, but no one likes to find out that a valve is too corroded to use when the time comes.
If you don’t know anything else about the valves in your home, make it your mission to know about this one: The main water shut-off valve. This is the one that turns the water on or off to your entire house. Your main valve is the one you can go to in a plumbing emergency to stop the pressurized flow of water into your home. If you don’t know where it is located or whether it is working properly, find someone who will locate it for you and try it out to make sure you can turn it easily plumbers.
Lastly, if you’d like to know that your valves are in good working order and would like to have someone familiarize you with your main water shut-off, you can always call Charlotte Plumbing & Repair to come out and do that for you. Http://

It’s Simply Plumbing, Water, drain pipes

Plumbing’s primary premise is simple: Direct fluids where you want them to go, when you want them to go there, and keep them from showing up where they’re not desired. For the next few blog posts we are going to look at the various components of your plumbing that make your home’s plumbing world work. We’ll also point out some helpful tips on how you can keep it doing what you want it to.
Let’s start with pipes. If water is the lifeblood of your plumbing, then the vessels are your pipes. You have two kinds: those that bring water in to your house (water lines) and those that take it away (drain lines). The majority of newer homes’ water lines are made of copper or pex (a polyethylene material). In older homes you may also find galvanized steel. In the case of drains, they are usually made of PVC in newer homes and of copper or steel in older homes.
The most common problems with pipes are leaks. Leaks usually occur due to corrosion, punctures, or a failure at a joint where two sections of pipe connect. Corrosion is most often seen in aging metal pipes. It is best to replace corroded pipe with a non-metallic piping material. A typical puncture is when someone drives a screw, nail or drill bit through a wall without considering the location of a pipe inside the wall. If it happens to be a water line then it is under pressure and will not stop spraying water until the water is shut off to that line. That would be a good reason to know where your main water shut-off valve is in your home (hint, hint). A punctured drain line will only leak when water is run down that drain, so the leak may appear somewhat sporadically. Leaks at pipe joints are typically caused due to poor plumbing workmanship or an incorrect use of plumbing fittings.
While there is not a lot of preventative maintenance to be done to your pipes, the best way to head off major problems is by observing them while they are still small. An occasional glance at pipes under your sinks or when you are around exposed pipes in your basement or crawlspace will inform you of obvious leak issues. If no actual water is observed under or on a pipe, look for any type of buildup that may be occurring on the outside of your pipes. External buildup can be an indicator of minerals collecting from water leaking through a water line or it could be corroding through. In the case of drain lines, darker colored areas near pipe joints may indicate waste leaks coming through. If you see any of these indicators it is best to get them repaired right away. If you need any help, you know who to call, right? plumbing, plumber and plumbers.
Charlotte plumbing repair, 704-394-5252 Charlotte, NC


My Showerhead is Leaking

Yesterday a young woman called to let us know that her showerhead was leaking and she didn’t know what the problem was. Of course we get similar calls all the time here at Charlotte Plumbing & Repair and sometimes the caller wants to know if we can come out and replace the showerhead with a new one that doesn’t leak.
As I explained to yesterday’s caller, just because water is continually dripping doesn’t mean that the showerhead is the problem at all. Actually, the most common reason is because the valve inside the wall behind the hot/cold knob(s) is not sealing all the way when the water is shut off. When the valve fails to seal because of worn seats or gaskets and the escaping water begins to fill the pipe leading to the showerhead and eventually finds its way out leading to the drip…drip…drip that keeps you awake at night.
So, what’s the solution? Well, it’s not replacing the showerhead. The problem is usually solved by replacing the rubber seats or the cartridge in the tub/shower valve – we call this a “rebuild.” Sometimes the problem is a little more serious and the entire valve may need replacing.
If you’re a handy person with some basic tools you may be able to do a little research and do your own rebuild. If the whole valve needs replacing, most people will need to call a plumber to do the work. By the way, dripping faucets are usually a similar problem.
So, if you’ve got dripping driving you crazy and you want to get it fixed fast, Charlotte Plumbing & repair can usually get out the same day to restore your sanity! plumber, plumbing, plumbers.
Charlotte NC Plumbers 704-394-5252


Dishwashers Need TLC Too!

Out of all the modern conveniences in our homes today, the one that saves us the most time, energy and labor while making our lives easier is the kitchen dishwasher.
tlc  Not having to wash and dry a sink full of food encrusted pots, pans, glasses and dirty dishes after every meal is more than a real time saver, it’s a life saver. Dishwashers were once considered luxury items, but those days are long gone and today they are an absolute necessity in any modern kitchen.
We ask them to do our dirty work for us every day and they seem to last forever, yet they never complain, whine or argue about being overused, underappreciated or neglected. In fact, because they’re so faithful, obedient and dependable we tend to take them for granted.
Well, we’re here to tell you that Dishwashers Need TLC Too! Dishwashers may be low maintenance, but they’re still mechanical appliances and like all appliances, they work better, look better, smell better and last longer with a little TLC. With just a little attention, the working life of your dishwasher can be extended to give you better smelling, better looking, more energy efficient and cleaner pots, pans, glasses and dishes.
Quick & Easy Dishwasher Cleaning & Maintenance Tips
dishwasher how toFollowing these tips will help your Dishwasher be energy efficient, smell fresher, stay cleaner and keep it running smoother for years to come.
General Maintenance Tips*

Make Sure Your Dishwasher is Level – If your dishwasher isn’t level, it could leak. To check, open the door and place an air-bubble level along the edge inside. If the dishwasher isn’t level, raise or lower either side by adjusting its “feet” or add a wedge to balance correctly.
Check Gaskets for Cracks and Deterioration – These are the rubber or plastic seals along the dishwasher door that provides a water-tight seal when you close. If you start noticing water around your dishwasher, it could be due to faulty gaskets. If the gasket is damaged, remove it by unscrewing it or prying it out with a screwdriver. You can get a replacement gasket at a hardware store or order one from the manufacturer. Before installing the new gasket, soak it in hot water to make it more flexible.
Check Sprayer Arm for Clogs – Over time food particles, mineral deposits and other debris can clog the holes in the sprayer arm. It is essential to clean these small holes from time to time to enable the dishwasher to work more efficiently. Remove the sprayer arm periodically and soak it in warm vinegar for a few hours to loosen any obstruction. Then clean out each spray hole with a pipe cleaner.
Check and Clean Screens and Filters dishwasher how to 2
Your dishwasher should have a screen or filter located near the bottom above the food drain to catch any large food or debris; these need to be cleaned out at least every other week to avoid clogs. Your dishwasher owner’s manual should provide instructions for removing and cleaning the filter. If the filter has holes, it needs to be replaced in order to prevent harm to other parts of the dishwasher. Also, inspect and clear out any food or debris that might be trapped in the food drain.
Be Smart/Turn off the Power Before You Start – Dishwashers have built-in water heaters and motors which can consume a lot of electricity; couple that with all the water a dishwasher uses and you can see how improper wiring and connections can put you at risk for fires, power outages or electrocution. Dishwashers should always be plugged into a grounded outlet or wired direct and your main socket must be rated adequately to handle the large load required by most dishwashers.
Buy a Repair Kit – Notice any exposed metal, nicks or corrosion on your dish racks? These can cause rust and stains to dishes and dishwasher walls. Most hardware stores sell repair kits that allow you to quickly mend worn or chipped plastic.
Make Sure Your Water Starts Hot Enough – Set the thermostat on your water heater to 120F (50C). Water colder than this won’t do a good job cleaning and water that is hotter could scald.

* Turn off the power at the circuit-breaker before doing any work on your dishwasher!
Keeping Your Dishwasher Odor-Free
odor freeWhen properly installed and regularly used, dishwashers rarely develop problems with bad odors. Most dishwasher odor is related to food which has collected somewhere in the dishwasher and can’t be easily removed.
Your first line of dishwasher odor defense is to always be sure to remove large food particles, non-dissolving and sticky food substances from all dishes before you put them in the dishwasher. Also, visually inspect every nook, cranny and corner of the dishwasher to see if any hidden food has wedged somewhere out of view. Other dishwasher odor tips:

Run the Garbage Disposal Before Starting the Dishwasher – The dishwasher drains into the same pipe as your sink, so that drain must be clear.
Suspect a Drain Clog – A foul-smelling dishwasher could be the first sign of a clog somewhere in your kitchen drain. If waste water accumulates at the bottom of the dishwasher and drains slowly…or if your garbage disposal and kitchen sink tend to back up when the dishwasher drains — this could be further evidence of a clogged drain. If so, clear the drain as soon as possible.
Disinfect and Deodorize – Run a cycle with a quart of vinegar to safely clean the tub and pump. Also, put a scoop of Kool-Aid or Tang powdered drink mix in your dishwasher to gently scour the interior walls and add a clean, fresh scent.
Check Your Water Softener – If not properly balanced or maintained, water softeners can cause foul odors in the water supply.

Keeping Your Dishwasher Thoroughly Clean
how to clean dishwasher
Start with an Old Toothbrush – Dip a small brush, such as an old toothbrush in hot soapy water and start scrubbing. Making sure you get into all the crevices, scrub the area around the rubber seal on the door. Don’t forget the bottom and the door hinges

Soft Abrasive Cleanser – A soft abrasive cleanser may be needed to remove dried and baked on grime.
Sponge & Hot Soapy Water – Dip a sponge in some hot soapy water and wipe off the gunk you loosened with the brush and cleanser on the door.
Wipe Down Gaskets & Door – Using a clean wet sponge or cleaning rag, wipe down the gasket and the door.
Remove Dish Racks – Remove the dish racks and set them aside.
Wipe Down Inside Walls – Wipe down the inside walls and, tough as it may be, get into hard-to-reach corners with a sponge soaked in the hot, sudsy water.
Wipe and Clean Drain – Wipe around the drain to be sure there are no hard chunks that can plug it up, possibly resulting in damage to the pump.
Use White Vinegar – Replace the dish racks and put a dishwasher-safe cup filled with plain white vinegar on the top rack. Using the hottest setting available, run the dishwasher through a full cycle with nothing inside except for the cup of vinegar. The vinegar washes away the loose, greasy grime, sanitizes, and also removes the musty, stinky odor.
does it workUnsweetened Kool-Aid or Lemonade Mix – A packet of unsweetened Kool-Aid or lemonade mix dumped into the soap cup may be substituted for the vinegar. Other flavors might work, but they could also stain the inside of your dishwasher.

A Cupful of Baking Soda or Powdered Ascorbic Acid – A cupful of baking soda or powered ascorbic acid sprinkled around the bottom of the tub freshens and brightens the machine and removes stains. Again, run the machine empty on a short cycle.

Keeping Your Dishwasher Energy Efficient
dishwasher energy efficientWe measure the energy efficiency of our car in miles-per-gallon. Dishwasher efficiency is measured by a term called the energy factor.
The energy factor is based on the number of cycles per kilowatt-hour of electricity. Today, the minimum allowable energy factor rating for standard capacity dishwashers is 0.46.
The higher the number, the more efficiently your dishwasher is using energy. These tips can help you improve your dishwasher’s energy factor and get good cleaning results:

Watch Your Water Temperature – The single most important factor in getting good results is hot water. The best way to improve the energy efficiency of a dishwasher is to reduce the amount of hot water needed to clean your dishes. About 80% of the total energy used by dishwashers goes towards heating the water. Too cool won’t clean your dishes well; too hot wastes energy. Most dishwasher manufacturers and detergent companies recommend setting the water temperature at 130 degrees Fahrenheit; this will effectively remove all food particles and residue without wasting energy. Place a thermometer inside the dishwasher to determine if the temperature is appropriate. If above or below 130 degrees, adjust your hot water heater.
Run Hot Water in the Kitchen Sink – Running a bit of hot water in your sink before running the dishwasher will get cleaner dishes if the water starts hot.
Avoid Using the Delay Cycle – This fills the dishwasher tub with cold water for the first few cycles, meaning the dishwasher will have to work harder to warm the water up.
Avoid Using the Heated Dry Setting – Dishes can air dry without the use of heated air. This can produce substantial energy savings.
Run Full Loads Only – Running only a portion of a load will use the same amount of energy and water as a full dishwasher load. Don’t be wasteful.
Avoid Pre-Rinsing of Dishes – Scraping off leftover food is sufficient; a good dishwasher should be able to loosen and remove most food particles, even sticky ones. Soaking or pre-washing dishes is only necessary when something is burned or baked on.

Dishwasher Detergents
dishwashing detergentsWhat you put into your dishwasher significantly affects your dishwasher’s performance, so here are some Do’s and Don’ts:

Use Detergents Specifically Designed for Dishwashers – Hand washing dish detergents and other soaps must NEVER be used in dishwater. They are not formulated to clean dishes in a dishwasher. And they will produce large amounts of foam, suds and bubbles which will leak from the dishwasher and spill onto the floor. Use detergents that are specifically meant for DISHWASHING ONLY.
Choose Powders Over Gels – Powder detergents are usually a better choice than gels. Gels often contain chlorine bleach which car dissolve seals and gaskets. Gels don’t work well in hard water. Gels can clog the detergent dispenser which can impede cleaning performance. And gels tend to leave more spots, film and cloudiness on glassware. For best results, we recommend using a powdered detergent or tablets.
Don’t Buy Dishwashing Powder in the Super-Size Box – It may seem cost-effective to purchase large economy-size boxes of dish detergent powder, but these products actually have a limited shelf life. Once you open that box, you only have about two weeks to use it; once air hits the powder, its cleaning effectiveness is greatly reduced. Stick to regular-size boxes which can be consumed in a two-week time period.
Avoid Cheap Products – Make sure that the word DETERGENT appears on the box. Some inexpensive and non-name powders contain inferior cleansers; some even contain sand! These products should be avoided to prevent wear and damage to dishes and the dishwasher itself as well as sediment build-up.
Give us a call with any questions Charlotte plumbing & repair 704-394-5252-